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About Us

My name is Suzanne Di Ciaccio and I am “Rah! Raw! Rah! Pet Foods”.


Back in 2000 my first Bichon, Bubbles, needed a raw diet for health reasons.  Within a year Bubbles & I adopted Magic.  Less than 2 years later Magic had her first liter and we fell so in love with Issy Belle that she too became part of our family.  Now it is 2003 I am still preparing all of their food, this is very time consuming and not as nutritionally complete as I want.   I had decided to find a premade product instead.  I wanted not only nutrition but variety and local availability.  I found this was not an easy quest. Extending my search to the Internet, I found a small family run company in Connecticut. I got a box of different varieties and imagine my surprise when my 3 girls ate like they had never been fed.  Sharing the product I received with friends, their dogs did the same.  Here came the leap of faith and the start of Rah! Raw! Rah! Pet Foods.  The beginning of the best journey of my life.
I started this business in September of 2003 with the idea that I could help a few friends and family feed a better product to their fur kids. That idea went out the window as I really got into it.  It seemed every time I turned around I was getting a call from a friend of somebody wanting to purchase food.  So after 5 years of doing this part time I retired from a major grocery chain to do just this. I enjoy every day with your fur kids and do not miss the 34 years I spent earning a paycheck. I have met so many wonderful people and pets in this journey, learning so much along the way.  





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